THE Online Radio Celebrity Interview Show

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Duncan Regehr 100,000 Poets For Change Event

On Saturday,  September 29th, 2012 actor and artist Duncan Regehr will be participating in the “One Hundred Thousand Poets for Change” event. This is a Global Poetry Reading with readings taking place in every centre around the globe from Paris to Timbuktu to Hong Kong to Mirabai, in effect more than 100,000 Poets will participate. All the readings will be filmed and then stored at Stanford University in California. It is a significant Global Affirmation of Poetry and a call for a new awakening and a transformation towards global peace and understanding. This is the largest marathon poetry reading in human history.

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm
The Well821 Fort Street
Victoria, B.C.

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